

Adnan Gill Los Angeles, United States
Political, social, nuclear, strategic and military related issues
Mr. Gill, resides in the United States. He received degrees in Political Science. His articles had been published in various international news and research publications including Defence Journal, Nuclear Policy Research Institute, and Nuclear Control Institute.
Registered Since: 30/09/06 for 18 years and -129 days
JournalistID Member Number: 317
Web Address:
Article Links:
1 Mini-Nukes
2 Civilian Nuclear Power Plants or a Weapons Trove?
3 Nukes for India
4 Seeds of Indian Proliferation
5 Roots of Nuclear Proliferation
6 Indian nuclear program: Disasters in Making
7 Who are the Terrorists?
8 Genesis of Nuclear Proliferation
9 Forgotten Children of the Wolrd
10 America, that was
11 Genesis of Abu Ghraib scandal
12 Modern Military Leadership
13 Have the terrorists won?
14 How secure is Indian nuclear program?
15 Between a Rock and a Hard place
16 Hypocrites-in-Chiefs
17 US and UK, Safe-Havens for the Terrorists?
18 Lal Masjid I knew
19 'Bhai’ You are Tubed!
20 Shaheed vs Shaheed
21 Pakistaniat and Commonsense
22 Indo-Pak Attitudes, 60 Years Later
23 Bomb Attacks on Benazir in a Perspective
24 Anatomy of October 19 Blasts
25 Price of a Jiala
26 Secular or Fascist India?
27 A General to a General
28 General You are Tubed!
29 Loose Nukes or Loose Talk?
30 He dares to say 'no'
31 Security Blunder!
32 Who Is Responsible for the Tragedy
33 Bringing the Change from Inside
34 Requiem for Benazir Bhutto
35 Death of a 'political giant'
36 Mahsud a Bogeyman or Musharrafs Achilles Heel
37 Support Pakistanis Not a Pakistani
38 Her march into history
39 Pakistan's Curse
40 Pakistan’s Curse
41 A Bullet, Shrapnel, or a Lever?
42 Scotland Yard Report, Hardly a Shocker!
43 Presidential Hopefuls & Dysfunctional Social Welfare System
44 Pakistani Elections: New Slogans, Same Players - Same Game
45 Retooling Pakistan Army
46 MQM, Business as Usual!
47 Where are Pakistan’s Heroes?
48 Best of Pakistani Political Drama
49 Karachi’s Curse!
50 Please Tell Me Why?
51 Double-Faced Zardari!
52 Crux of Zardari’s Strategy!
53 Revocation of PCO
54 Masters of Conspiracies
55 A Storey of Two Houses
56 Tape authenticity
57 Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?
58 Kargil; Separating Myth from the Reality
59 The nuclear question
60 DeNuking Pakistan
61 Russert's march into history
62 Russert's loss felt by many
63 Resist or Not to Resist NATO?
64 An Honest President, Too Much to Ask?
65 Free petty thieves
66 After Pervez Musharraf
67 Kettle calling pot black
68 Against/for military intervention
69 ISI episode
70 Brazilian nuclear plan
71 The Curse of Balochistan
72 Mudslinging
73 Crossing to the Liberals
74 Unfair Act
75 Zardari’s Circus
76 Matters of Pride and Shame
77 Karzai a War Criminal?
78 Promiscuous Behavior of Zardari
79 Clearing some ‘misconceptions’
80 Whose Who of the Hindutva Army?
81 It’s All In The Perception!
82 Indian Bluff
83 Defending the president
84 Doing the right thing
85 Mumbai Evidence
86 Final Solution of the Palestinian Question
87 Empty nationalism
88 Of drones and rocket science
89 Descent into chaos
90 Act for reconciliation
91 Failure to protect the guests
92 Damage Beyond Repair
93 MQM, Racism and PCO
94 Bush policy or Obama policy?
95 Obama’s War
96 Capitulation to the Oppressors
97 Asian Valhalla
98 From Bajaur to Jinnahpur
99 Pathan or Pakhtun?
100 Predator Killer
101 Talking tongue in cheek
102 Greatest Game
103 Why Secure only Pakistani Nukes?
104 Dysfunctional American Healthcare System
105 Stay or Not to Stay in Iraq?
106 Who is the Boss?
107 Hillary and Sufi, Peas in a Pod
108 Think Not Of Those As Dead
109 ANP’s Rhetoric
110 In A Q Khan’s defence
111 Zardari, Enough With Your Shenanigans
112 Quaid's pictures in the presidency
113 An American and a Pakistani
114 Altaf Hussain and National Security
115 It's corporate profits vs. people
116 Jinnahpur Controversy
117 Mystery of the KLB debate
118 Why hotels when you have Belaire, Mr. President?
119 Leaders' Role
120 Obama's Afghan War
121 Patriotic or racist America?
122 Enough is enough, stop the bash-Pakistan bandwagon
123 Food for thought
124 Another hasty departure?
125 Why an attack is unlikely
126 Men of honour and courage
127 A paradise of folly
128 Honour thy heroes
129 The martyrs of Gyari
130 Brothers In Arms
131 Khan’s potential